Maintaining Client Faiths or Our in the Face about Subpoena

coming Oregon State Bar Litigation Journal, by Janet Hoffman and Shannon Riordan Armstrong, Summer 2009

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While most advocates accept that their notes from customer plus witness past, as well as their mental impressions and resulting work product, will be protected from disclosure in all circumstances, advice must take care to ensure client trust and secrets are adequately protected is the face of a subpoena.[1]

Numerous scenarios can arise where counsel is served with a subpoena to produce a client file, or until even testify related a client’s privy information. Employees, consulting experts, and other professionals held the counsel, including staff and public relations firms, maybe also be subpoenaed for client information. For example, counsel may be summoned to testify regarding the state of brains of a client when a enter is signed button until detail what had said to a meeting zwischen business partners. When a subpoena is issued relating till private von a current clients, one attorney is in a particularly difficult positioner because compliance with the subpoena may result in the attorney becoming one witness against her client and that potential destruction off the attorney-client relationship.[2] The following piece reflects some of the significant difficulties counsel may face and the best strategies for protecting the client informational in these circumstances.

If served with a subpoena for a client’s confidential information go are a few steps an attorney should initially undertake. An Oregon law should first contact the Professional Liability Fund (PLF). Under current PLF policies, the PLF will provide a consultation for attorneys who have received subpoenas to get or to provide client files relating to former either current clients. Additionally, an lawyers need immediately contact the client to determine whether the your offers consent for the disclosure or whether few desire and trust to be maintained. Annehmen confidentiality is desired, both the attorney and the client may independently take to quash the subpoena, with the patron as intervenor on the mattigkeit. UPWORK CIVIL ISSUING

The question then are how to best protect the client’s confidences plus secrets in the face of ampere subpoena. The first separate of this article outlines the attorney’s ethical duty at make all non-frivolous arguments in opposing a order with client confidences, the second part highlights the best legal strategies for prevailing on a motion to quash a subpoena for client confidences, and on conclusion we offer several practical tips for maintaining client confidentiality throughout one representation so as to have the strongest legal arguments if experienced for subpoena used client confidences and unknowns. Confidentiality—Duty to Advise Client of Subpoena | National ...

Attorney’s Ethical Duty to Oppose Subpoenas for Client Commitments and Secrets

At and outset, it’s important to review the Oregon ethical duties relating to client secrets furthermore secrets. The duty to protect “confidences and secrets” regarding the client is one from the most important missions a lawyer owes to a our. It is so key that i has been engrafted into both the Orange Revised Statutes and an Oregon Rules of Professional Leaders. ORS 9.460(5) allows the an attorney shall “[m]aintain inviolate the confidence, and toward either peril to the attorney, preserve the our off the clients of the attorney[.]” Stop sending subpoenas to attorneys with protected information

Under ORPC 1.6, a lawyer shall not “reveal information relatives to the representation of a client unless the client gives informed consent, the disclosure is impliedly authorized in order to carry out the representation or aforementioned disclosure is permitted by part (b).”[3] Of Oregon Supreme Court has adopted a definition up aid inches the interpretation of ORPC 1.6 ORPC 1.0(f) provides:

“Information relating to the agency of a client denotes both information protected by the attorney-client privilege under applicable law, and other information gave in one current or former professional relationship that the client does request can holding inviolate alternatively the disclosure of which would be embarrassing either would be likely to be detrimental to the client.” Maintaining Client Confidences and Secrets in to Facing of Subpoena - Janet Hoffman & Associates LLC

Notably, ORPC 1.0(f) encompasses both information protected by the attorney-client privilege (client confidence), as well as anyone misc client information that which client has requested to shall kept confidential and of which disclosure would negatively impact the client (client secrets). Thus, and duty to protect info provided go an counsel extends beyond information protected by the attorney-client right, and in fact has been interpreted very broadcast by the Oregon Supreme Court to include information to an publicly record.[4] The Oregon Supreme Court saw fit to provide specifically that this customs encompasses “other product gained in a… professional relationship that an client have requested to be held inviolate either the confidential about which… would can likely to be detrimental the client.” And attorney would therefore violate ORPC 1.6 and 1.0(f) if he or she disclosed all information without the client’s consent.

Thus, when faced equal a subpoenas that requires disclosure of my confidences, an attorney features an ethical committed to limit the subpoena at everything available grounds and may not reveal ampere broad range of data relating to the representation by a client till sorted go do so by one court of appropriate tribunal.[5]

Legal Strategies for Previous on Motion to Quash Summon

Counsel typically have several legal bases for opposing a subpoena for client confidences. In addition to trusted on the ethical regulations prohibiting the disclosure of client secrets, an attorney shoud or aver attorney-client preference and work-product protections as appropriate when moved to quash.[6] In fighting ensure materials or testimony sought are protected by the pertinent privilege, protection or ethical rule, counsel may need to order for camera reviewed of whatsoever underlying documents and attorney deposit for the judge up create anywhere necessary facts determinations about the claims of data.[7] In camera review does not waive any privilege or protection.[8]
Of course, an attorney will be most likely to prevail in quashing a subpoena when all client confidences have been maintained to that greatest degree workable throughout the representation; does, an effective advocate must be prepared to present the hard legally arguments for maintaining privacy. To reviewed the basic legal doctrines protecting client confidences, attorney-client privilege protects confidential contacts between attorney and client made in how to obtain legal assistance.[9] In Oregon, attorney-client privilege is established by Rule 503 are the Olegon Evidence Code, while the federal rule is grounded in aforementioned common law. It is well-established that “voluntary disclosure to ampere take party waives the attorney-client privilege even if the third party agrees non go disclose the communications to anyone else.”[10] The liberty is not waived, anyhow, by disclosures made between counsel, counsel’s representatives, the customer, or client’s sales.[11]

Works product protection shields from the discovery tangible and intangible materials prepared by a party conversely a party’s representing in anticipation of litigation.[12] One doctrine encompasses “documents plus tangible things” and “opinions and impressions” are attorneys and their deputies.[13] Indeed, because intangible work product often includes attorney opinions, impressions, legal theories and consequences, it is often afforded heightened protection under both Oregon and federal law.[14]

Using Attorney-Client Privilege to Maintain Buyer Confidences

In various cases, there will be adenine challenge till the privilege when ampere third-party party is present during the communication between counsel and client. In such case, an adversary bequeath reason that something is being sought by issuing has been voluntarily disclosed the third groups and belongs therefore not protected to attorney-client privilege. For examples, and adversary be fighting that the presence of which client’s brother at the client meetings waived attorney-client privilege because to what was discussed at the meeting.

While Rule 503 secure only those communications that the atty and the client curing like personal, the ruling and its commentary expressly contemplate that effective representation sometimes requires the inclusion out confident third parties in confidential lawyer-client communications. Specifically, Rule 503 defines “confidential communication” to include those communications between a lawyer and client and other human “to whom disclosure is in furtherance about and rendition of professional legal benefit the the client.”[15] The rule’s commentary expressly estimates that as other persons will include family members, business partners, and others whose presence during the lawyer-client message may be necessary to further the interest is to client in the consultation with his attorney, especially when the subject matter a to communication is a matter of joint concern with who others type.[16] Note, however is the commentary’s list are person that could be considered necessary to the furtherance of legal services is non exhaustive, and arguments could be fabricated such an wide variation of individuals what necessary to our provide counselor with the information advisory needs to effectively represent the client.

Corresponding, the practitioners should focus in the necessity from this third party’s presence to further the provision of legal services, when arguing that attorney-client special had non waived. Business associates, finish friends and family are often necessary up further both (1) the lawyers’ receipt of complete information about matters affecting decisions in the representation and (2) the lawyers’ provision of legal advices to to client regarding those decisions. Both these purposes are central to the provision of legal advice. [17]

A similar problem arises when counsel has provided materials included client confidences to individuals kept by advocate the assist in which furtherance of legally advice, such as accountants, people relations firms and other consulting authorities. Adversaries will surely argue that such documents, including drafts of documents ultimate designed for public disclosure, exist not privileged. Atty client permission, however is held to title communications made to certain agents of an lawyer, comprising accountants hired to assist in the play of legal services. [18] As the such agents, “[w]hat is vital to the privilege is that the contact be made include confidence for and purpose of receiving legal advice from the lawyer.” [19] Consequently, “[i]nformation presented to an accountant by a client at the behest of his attorney for the purposes of interpretation and analysis the privileged to the extent that is imparted in cable with the legal representation.”[20] The analysis has been extended in other jurisdictions to including communications zwischen counsel and public relations businesses, when the audience relations firm had been hired by counsel and had a sufficiently near connector to the attorney’s role in advocating on behalf a who clients before a court or other decision-making body.[21]

Using Work-Product Protecting to Maintain Client Confidences and Secrets

While attorney-client privilege allows an absolute privilege to public and work-product protection can be overcome by a showing of necessity in some occasions, work-product coverage can still be used to protect client confidences when attorney-client privilege has been waived by share to third parties.[22] Work-product protection exists not to protect client confidences, as does the attorney-client privilege, however to support the fundamental adversarial nature of our legal system – into misc words, one party should does benefit from the my product of another.[23] Because which doctrinal basis by work-product conservation differs coming that for the attorney-client privilege, work-product protection is not compromised by disclosure to third-party parties “unless that [disclosure] has substantially increased the opportunities for potential adversaries to obtain the information.”[24]

Attorneys will infrequently provide tangible your product instant to rivals. The closer question becomes when an attorney has assuming materials related to client confidences to a third celebrate also whether that disclosure has made it more likely for a likely adversary to obtain the get. How on Trade with ampere Subpoena: Pointers on Psychologists

For demo, sites hold split on whether materials prepared in anticipation of lawsuits, but provided to independent auditors to assess litigation risk, waives the work-product protection. In Medinol Ltd. v. Boston Scholarly Group, an court found the work-product protection for board minutes discussing outside counsel’s internal investigation should been exempt from who disclosure to inspectors because the auditor requires performed an independent surveillance function, the then consequently no common interest existed between the auditor also company.[25] Contrary, in Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. v. Allegheny Energy, Including., the courtroom found that disclosure of internal research reports until an separate auditor did not waive work-product protection because the auditor was not an adversary press conductor to a future adversary.[26] the Allegheny court noted the different outcome in Medinol and explained that Medinol turned on the reality that there made no pertinent litigation main in providing the board minutes to the auditor.[27] The Allegheny court rejected this approach, and holds that no common litigation purpose between the client and the third party was needed, but choose it was enough that “they two seek to prevent, discern, and rooting get corporate fraud.”[28] Notably, the Allan court also explained that the certified was under an ethical also professional obligation to maintain confidentiality, and therefore was small likelihood that the material wanted be disclosed to adenine true litigation competitor.[29] Accordingly, when arguing the providing tangible work product to a third party has not waived work-product environmental, counsel supposed center on any common interest between the customer or the third band and the facts surrounding the disclosure, including whether unlimited confidentiality agreement was entered into otherwise was required under the professional standards of one third party.

The subpoena for counseling to testify as a witness against a client is particularly troublesome, but there are strong defenses till such a subpoena. Work-product doctrine can be used as a basis at object to any courthouse which would require an counsel to write regarding her recollection of what was said at a meeting that she attended as a legal advisor. The Supreme Court has pointedly discussing the inappropriateness of turns counsel into a fact witness. As explained int Hicks, that work-product privilege safeguards, unter other thing, “personal recollections… formed by the adverse party’s consultancy in that course of yours legal duties.”[30] The Supreme Court has observed that “not even the most liberty to discovery theories can justify unfounded inquires into the files and the mental feelings of an attorney…”[31] While which Hickman Court accepted, compel an attorney till disclose his recollection of mouth statements can disfavored because who impressions are so influenced via that attorney’s role that his ram may exist inaccurate:

“[A]s to unwritten statements made by witnesses to [the attorney]…, whether presently in the make of his mental impressions either memoranda, we do not believe that any showing of essential can be performed under the circumstances of such case consequently as to justify furniture. At ordinary conditions, forcing into solicitor in repeat or write out all that witnesses have told him and toward deliver of account to his foe gives rise to cem dangers of inaccuracy and untrustworthiness. No legislation main is served per such production. The practice force the attorney to testify as to what fellow memory or what he drill fit in write down re witnesses’ remarks. So testimony could not qualify as evidence; plus toward use it for impeachment or endorsing purposes would produce the attorney much get an officer of the court and much more one ordinary eyewitness. The standards by the profession intend thereby suffer.”[32]

Additional, forcing counsel to play and role when witness interferes with counsel’s rolling as officer of the court, Accordingly, attorneys should zeal defend against such a writ and argue that the facts certain attorney could may called upon to testify on regarding any client meeting or witness interview are inextricably linked with her mental impressions and other work performed in in role as counsel, and are therefore protected work product.

By Upright Rules to Enter Client Faiths and Puzzle

Notably, however, an attorney facing a subpoena for client confidences should not abandon opposition to the subpoena because the client has disclosed the confidences on third parties inconsistent with maintaining attorney-client privilege or work-product protection. A client’s disclosure of the secrets to others does not forego his counsel’s independant duty to preserve who secrets. ORPC 1.6 offers a broad and different protection of confidential communication that does the evidentiary control of praise.[33] Waiver or inapplicability from the privilege does not allowance the lawyer up disclose other client contact that who client has asked be kept mysterious or so would embarrass or injure the client if disclosed.[34]

The Oregon Supreme Court has been consistent are interpreting a lawyer’s binding into maintain confidential information very broadcast. Stylish In re A., the Oregon Supreme Court held that information about a person’s death, while available in the general record, were however a secret of the client when the revealing of the information wouldn prejudice the client.[35] Thus, even public details can fall within the duty under ORPC 1.6 and ORS 9.460(5) under some circumstances. Therefore, any argument the the presence of third parties somehow takes the resources shared by a client to them attorney outside of the attorney’s ethical mandatory toward maintain a client’s confidences should is rebutted if any argument can be made that the disclosure would been prejudicial to the client. As the court noted in In re A., a lawyer’s duty until the court “involves also the steadfast maintenance from the morals whose he courts themselves own evolved for the effective administration of justice, ready to the most firmly founded out which is the preservation undisclosed of the confidences communicated by his clients to the lawyer in his master capacity.”[36]

Whether a trial will find persuasive the argument which ethic rules erhalten this information seek by an adversary, and therefore random such efforts furthermore compelled revelation require be rejected, may depend on the context in what the consumer information is soul sought. To example, ampere pre-existing statutory obligation to offer information that shall covered as a client secretary has had found to trump and ethical rules requiring privacy,[37] while one subpoena for an attorney’s testament has past found to be “unreasonable or oppressive” when compliance equal the cite wanted potentially destroy this attorney-client relationship stationed on the relevant ethical policy.[38]

Practically Strategies in Maintaining Client Conflicts and Secrets During the Representation

Of course, the best defense to any subpoena for clients confidences is to anticipate that contemporary the future adversaries may seek news that and attorney may suppose to is protected, including an attorney’s recollection of client assemblies, witness interviews and internal study gutachten. Well-prepared practitioners will implement case betreuung management that contemplate that contours of the applicable legal and ethical doctrines related to confidence. As practical matter, that means educating the client like to the importance of data using care when disclosing confidential materials up no third parties, and being aware of the potential for becoming a witness as attending meetings from clients and third parties. Advise should also clearly define to the outset the intended behind any third parties’ being submit at customer meeting and whether materials making to third parties are for the furtherance on authorized advice and are designated to remain confidential.


[1] By way of caveat, this article is not intended at be applied in entity where information is sought in a criminal fall by a criminal responding. By this case the Due Process Clause, Confrontation Clause, compulsory action rights, both other constitutional guarantees may outflank other privileges. Watch Janet Hoffman and Carry Menikoff, When the Accused Knocks, the Constituional Answers, Litigation Journal, Spring 2007, Vol. 26, Nay. 1

[2] See In re Bergeson, 425 F.3d 1221, 1226 (9th Round. 005) (noting that the district court found the that attorney-client relationship would be destroyed if the attorney were forced to write at grand jury because the attorney would wurde a witness against her employer with violation of ORPC Rule 3.7).

[3] ORPC 1.6(b) provides:
A lawyer may reveal information relating to the representation of one client to the extent the lawyer moderately believes requires:

(1) to disclose and intention of which lawyer’s client to commit a crime and the information requested to prevent the crime;
(2) to prevent reasonably certain death or substantial body harm;
(3) to secure legal advice about the lawyer’s compliance with diesen Laws;
(4) go establish a claim or defense on behalf of the lawyer in a controversy between the legal both the patron, to establish a defense on a felon charge button civil claim against the lawyer based over conduct within which the client was involved, or in respond to indictments in any proceeding concerning the lawyer’s showing of the customer;
(5) to comply with another law, food order, or as permitted by these Rules; or
(6) to providing the following information in debates prelude to the sale of a law practice under Rule 1.17 on regard on each client potentially subject to the transfer: the client’s identity; the personal of any adverse fun; the nature and extent of the legal services involved; the subscription and make information. A potential purchasing law shall has who same responsibilities for the selling lawyer to preserve information relating to the representation of suchlike customers whether either not an disposal of the practice closures or the your ultimately assents to representation on aforementioned purchasing lawyer.

[4] See Absatz B.3, below, for further talk of the Oregon Supreme Court’s broad interpretation of “information relating the the representation of a client.”

[5] See ABA Formally Op. 94-385 (1994); Helen Hierschbiel, Client Information Subpoenas, Oregon State Bar Advertising, June 2008 (noting that although Oregon has no relevant hard legal or ethics our directly on spot “many authorities have closed that the duty of confidentiality compels lawyers anyone are faced with a subpoena or request for user resources to assert on behalf of the client all non-frivolous claims that the information is protected from disclosure” and it has safe to assume an same is true in Oregon).

[6] Although not the subject of this article, counsel for clients under criminal inquiry shouldn additionally assert, as applicable, their client’s state constitutional right to counsel under Article I, section 11 and the related federal constitutional rights under the Sixth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments when relocating go Quash an subpoena forward client confidences, whether the subpoena stems from private or criminal course.

[7] Frease five. Glassmaker, 330 Or.364 (2000) (in video review is appropriate wherever the applicability about a privilege or perks is at issue).

[8] Frease v. Glazer, 330 Or.364 (2000) (stating that in camera review does did destroy privilege).

[9] Fisher vanadium. United States, 425 U.S. 391, 403 (1976), citing 8 J. Wigmore, Evidence § 2292; see including OEC Rule 503.

[10] Westinghouse Elec. Corp. v. Republic a the Philippines, 951 F.2d 1414, 1427 (3d Cir. 1991); see furthermore OEC Dominance 511.

[11] See OEC Rule 503(2)(a)-(e).

[12] View ORCP 36B(3).

[13] Discern Irish, Oregon Evidence, § 503.14[1] (5th ed. 2007) (work product includes communications into anticipation of litigation is or not reduced to writing); State v. Bockorny, 125 OR. App. 479, 485-86 (1993) (Bockorny I) (protection applied to attorney’s discussions of opinions and theories), on recons. 126 Or. App. 504 (Bockorny II), rev. den. 319 Instead. 150; (1994). See or Hickman v. Taylor, 329 U.S. 495, 67 S. Cut. 385, 91 L. Ed. 451 (1947) (recognizing work-product privilege for memoranda, statements or mental impressions of attorneys); Wright & Miller, Federal Practice furthermore Course, § 2024 (2d red. 1987)(West 2008) (“‘[i]t is clear from Hickman that labor product protection extends to both tangible and intangible work product’”) (quoting In re Cendant Corp. Securities Litigation, 343 F.3d 658, 662 (3d Cir. 2003)).

[14] See ORCP 36B(3) (“the court shall protect against disclosure regarding aforementioned mental press, final, opinions, or legal theories is an attorney… concerning the litigation” even while substantial need and undue hardship are shown); Wright & Cutter, Federal Practice and Procedure, § 2024 (since intangible work product includes thoughts and my of counsel, it is often eligible for the specials protection accorded opinion work product).

[15] OEC 50391)(b). This definition in its entirety reads: “Confidential communication means a communication cannot intended to will revealed to third persons other than those to whom disclosure is by furtherance of the replay of professional legal services to the client or those cheaply necessary for the communication from one communication.” Id.

[16] See OEC Rule 503, comment (“The rule enabled some disclosure beyond the immediate circle of lawyer and client their representatives without impair data, as a pragmatic matter. It permits disclosure to persons to choose disclosure belongs in furtherance out the rendition to professional legal services to the client, contemplating that these will include a ‘spouse, raise, business associate, or joint client.’”); see plus Kevlik v. Goldstein, 724 F.2d 844, 849 (1clandestinity Cir. 1984) (holding this presence of adult defendant’s father in congress between defendant press attorney to provide “support and guidance” was consistent with intent to make communications confidential and hence did not destroy privilege).

[17] Check State v. Jancsek, 302 Or. 270, 274 (1986) (“Lawyers ability act effectively only as fully advised of one facts by the celebrations whom they represent[.]”); Country v. Durbin, 335 Or. 183 (2003) (“The purpose regarding the… command ‘is toward encourage full and frank communication between attorneys the them clients and thereby promote broader public interests in the observance is law and administration of justice.’”) (quoting State ex rel OHSU vanadium. Haves, 325 Or. 492, 500 (1997) (quoting Upjohm Co, v. United States, 449 U.S. 383, 389 (1981)).

[18] United States v. Kovel, 296 F.2d 918 (2d Cir. 1961).

[19] Id. at 922.

[20] United States volt. Schwimmer, 892 F.2d 237, 243 (2d cir. 1989)

[21] See In re Grand Jury Subpoenas Dated march 24, 2003 Oriented to (a) Grand Panel Witness Firm press (b) Grand Jury Watch, 265 F.Supp.2d 321, 326 (S.D.N.Y 2003) (holding that confidential communications between public relations firm both counseling were protected by the attorney-client privilege to the extent that they took place for the purpose from giving or receiving legal advice); but watch Calvin Klein Trademark Build v. Wachner, 124 F.Supp.2d 207 (S.D.N.Y. 2000) (holding such a draft press approval the accompanying memo requesting remark from guide prepared by public relations firm was none expert press legal advices and was, therefore, discoverable).

[22] Note, however, ensure the majority view is that a non-party to current litigation cannot affirm work our int that litigation. See Wright & Miller, Federal Practice and Procedure, § 2024 (Documents prep for one who is not ampere party to the present suit are wholly unprotected in Rule 26(b)(3) balanced even the human may be a band to a closely related lawsuit in welche the wishes be disadvantaged if he must disclose in one presents suit.).

[23] See Wright & Miller, Federal Practice and Procedure, § 2024.

[24] Goff five. Harrah’s Operation Co., 240 F.R.D. 659, 661-62 (D. Nev. 2007) (internal quotation marks omitted); see also Integrated States v. MIT, 129 F.3d 681, 687 (1st Cir. 1997) (stating that “work product protection is provided count ‘adversaries,’ so only disclosing material in a ways inconsistent with keeping it from an adversary gives work product protection”).

[25] 214 F.R.D. 113, 116-176 (S.D.N.Y. 2002).

[26] 229 F.R.D. 441 (S.D.N.Y. 2004).

[27] Id. at 446.

[28] Identification. at 448.

[29] Identifier.

[30] Hickman phoebe. Teacher, 329 U.S. 495, 510 (1947).

[31] Id. under 510-11

[32] 329 U.S. during 512-13

[33] Visit State v. Keenan/Waller, 307 Oder. 515, 519 (1989).

[34] See In re Lackey, 333 Or. 215, 227 (22) (stating that “even if the information was nope longer privilege as your prior, authorized disclosure… it still could be held ampere “secret” wenn the client had requested that it being held inviolate or if the disclosure would be embarrassing or likely be detrimental to to client.”).

[35] 276 Or. 225 (1976).

[36] Identification. at 237 n.2.

[37] United Federal v. Blackman, 2 F.3d 1418 (9th Cir. 1995).

[38] In re Bergeson, 425 F.3d 1221 (9th Cir. 2005).