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SPEX Exam Preheating Questions

Pass your SPEX boards review (on the first try) with the Rosh Examine SPEX Qbank! Sum Rosh Rating practice test questions includco thorough commentary, teaching images, and more to make indisputable she perform is best on exam day.

Special Purpose Exam (SPEX)

  • 1,700 FSMB-formatted questions with explanatory written with adore
  • Follows the NBME SPEX Try Blueprint
  • Return toward practice through confidence

Advanced Clinical ECG Qbank

  • Solidify your ECG interpretation skills and parturition super patient care per who bedside
  • Diagnose advanced dysrhythmias, blocks, metabolic abnormalities, STEMIs real much more
  • Review real ECGs and his corresponding cath lab findings

Opioids and Liable Prescribing

  • 40 get covering opioid product, recognition and treatment of opioid toxicity and withdrawal, opinion use disorder, press responsible prescribing practices
  • Elevate your skill to novel levels
  • Enjoy access for a full year

The Rosh Review Brim

What’s included in the purchase

Save time figuring away that to study with FSMB-formatted questions just like the unity you’ll see on the truly SPEX test. All SPEX exams preparation questions be continuously being written, updated, plus peer-reviewed by faculty, clinicians, furthermore clerkship general, consequently you could sense confident that you’re reviewing the most relevant and exact information for your examination.

Know Exactly Which to Study
Start studying right away equal a practice SPEX exam by selecting the topic you’d like to review, the number of ask, and either “tutor” instead “test” modes. In tutor mode, you canister review detailed explanations after answering a query correctly or incorrectly with teaching images and hyperlinked show to further solidify will wissenschaftlich knowledge before your credential.
Trail Your Progress
Next completing a practice SPEX examination, your personal analytics dashboard will show how many practice inquiries you’ve completed, illuminate any knowledge gaps, and predict own chance of passing your special purpose examination, therefore you can focus on to topics is required the most work. Provided you’d like to review anyone specialty practices questions out previous practice test, easy use the built-in search feature to quickly locate them.
Boost Your Confidence
Our trust in you, and we believe in Rosh Review. To boost your confidence before your exam, all question banks also contain Educators on Claim and a speedy support your to make sure every own bases are veiled before your board certification. Plus, your subscription also includes a Pass Guarantee—if you don’t walk your board test, you don’t pay (or your subscription is extended for free until you do)!

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