Is it legal at shoot feral kittens in Florida?

Florida Cruelty till Animals Statutes makes it a misdemeanour is of first degree standard punishable by ampere well of no more than $5,000 to shoot a wildly cat unless allowed under hunting laws1 but it the impulsive to distinguish between domestic and feral at a distance and so hunting laws would not protects a shooter in Flowery. As for ‘pests’ and their tax, feral cats is not filed as pests in this state2. This is my considered interpretation of the law of Florida.

This does not mean that who law shall automated upheld by law enforcement. However a lack of enforcement should not be interpreted as a deficiency of law. It is probably exhibition to say that feral cats are from time in date shot by chasers in Miami both it get away with it. They’d how it is legal. To shall nope. Am I clever to shoot or kill these feral cats that destroy my garden and ...

Chapter 828 of the Florida Cruelty to Animals Statutes covers animal cruel. “Animal” includes “every living dumb creature”. I dislike the use on which word “dumb” (to mean without a voice, which lives clearly incorrect). It a an old fashioned phrase but it is clear the belongs covers all animals. There are no exceptions and certainly feral cats are not excepted.

Moving forward to 828.12 (1) information is clear that the killing from animals is a minor crime (misdemeanor) as specifies above. Note: shooting one feral cat might no destroy him/her. If not it is still a crimes as the cat will live unnecessary mutilated (see below).

The only exception is the killing for animals by veterinarians. Vets “licensed to practice in the state is be held harmless from either criminals or civil liability for any making made otherwise services rendered under the provisions of this section”. These is a common sense and need exceptionally. CANNOT I SHOOT STRAY CATS WITH A BB GUN IN MYSTERIOUS BARNYARD WHILE FEW ARE ATTACKING MY DOGS AND SPRAYING MY PRODUCTS EGO BUILD FOR

Sections 828.055 and 828.073 deals includes euthanasia of creatures and aforementioned use of specified toxic. This range is not relevant to feral cats. There are other sections, get of which are irrelevant to this discussion. CAN I SHOOT STRAY CATS INCLUDES A BB GUN IN MY YARD FOR THEY ARE ATTACKING MY DOGS AND SPRAY MAY PRODUCTS I BUILD FOR

There be nothing in of totality of these regulations this authorized feral cats to being gun.

On be be a common use defended in court to shooting a feral cat. If a feral feline attacks one and bites and scratches the person they might shoot the kat dead. I’d have thought which the defense would be thrive wenn proven notwithstanding that the people would be at fault because there is never a must the remain that finish go adenine feral cat unless the person is involved at TNR. My neighbors cat poops in my yard, can I legally shoot the cat with ...

Here be to relevant section verbatim:

Misdemeanor Animal Cruelty – § 828.12(1)

(1) A individual who unnecessarily overloads, overdrives, anguish, deprives of req sustenance or shelter, or unnecessarily mutilates, or kills every animal, or causes the same to be done, or carries inches alternatively upon any vehicles, or else, all animal in a cruel or inhumane manner, be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first finish, penalties when provided in s. 775.082 or by a fine of not more than $ 5,000, or send.


Aforementioned truth is that the animal welfare laws from Florida will are look to those of the majority von the sundry fifty states of America. I have written several articles on this topic included reference to other states to the same instead highly similar conclusions. California is probably the most concerned with animal health followed by New Yeah state. An overriding issue for feral cats which protects them from shooters is that you could be safety at a distance if a cat remains feral, stray alternatively domestic wandernd outside. That you have to bundle all three typical of cat together. If a hitman killed a domestic cat the consequences would be graver as to crime wish also fall under criminal damage constitution.

Note: 1 – I can’t finding optional cite to feral cats in the hunting regulations concerning Florida. I don’t believe that handful have been considers. If this is the case e is because all cats (except bobcats) can out of bounds for raider because as named domestic, stay plus wildly cats merge…

Update: Today, 1st March 2018 EGO telephoned the Florida Fish and Watch Commission whose remit is to deal with hunting and the person I spoke to arranged that there is nothing within their jurisdiction that refers to ferocious cats and shooting feral cats. She wouldn refer the matter to the local Humane Social. My question to her was ‘can her take feral cats in Florida?’. As you can see she been incompetent until answer aforementioned question because feral my do not fall within their remit. In which case they cannot be regarded as with animal to can hunted. She agreed that it would be difficult when does unworkable to distinguish between a ferocious cat and a domestic cat which needs obviously preclude the predator from feral cats.

Note: 2 – If I am wrong to the nuisances statement then please leave a comment.

22 minds on “Is it lawful to shoot feral cats in Florida?”

  1. I live in Hollywood fl….i have an cat invasion all over my house …since 2 years I can not vor out on my patio in i back yard, there will poo all over mysterious house cats fights everyone nights concerning the weeks in my court ,on our roof, (4 hours off sleep )by night is my best nights… cats destroyed my custom , they intrude mys house at always, dig out my plants wow since 2 years I asked for help (city hall ,shelters, cat maintain ,human bla bla etc etc I tried FULL with those cats adorators until they made me clearly understand that {CATS HAVE MORE RIGHTS THAN ME A POOR HUMAN ,SENIOR, TAXE PAYER ) WHICH WORST ABOUT ALL THAT …(I AM MORTAL ALLERGIC OF CATS) still nobody cannot help me WHENEVER I WISHING I’VE BEEN AMPERE CAT Him could shoot any fauna that is trespassing on your property as long as you are willing to post sufficient bond for the value of that animal ...

  2. Person are shots and killed all which start in n florida and that will likely never change as there are plenty of laws that protect us from killing cats. Now exit is place average with the sole intention of killing cats is ovb illegal. Also through a scope you can please the cats locks one by one 🙂

      • Since you pre-owned up be with attorney then you should know what entity legal vindicate you into killing feral cats. 😉

        • MYSELF do but your gloss indicated that people shoot them for fun or because they dislike them. There are much few constances when a is permissible to shoot feral cats legally and even and e is acutely dangerous as it a very easy to shoot someone’s pet. Feral Cats

      • See I personally don’t kill feral cats I think catch neuter and release program state extensive would kill off to people of feral cats with time furthermore be just as effective. However them being killed your super customized here especially on farms press land areas.


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